MagPlasma receives funding to test its novel plasma autoclave
MagPlasma is pleased to announce that we are the recipient of a Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Business Accelerator Fund (BAF) award to test its novel plasma autoclave for disinfecting sensitive materials and devices. The MagPlasma autoclave provides point-of-use device disinfection for personnel protective equipment (PPE), sensitive electronic equipment, and any material unable sensitive to the use of steam autoclaves or common liquid disinfectants such as bleach. Conventional equipment disinfection processes, especially those used in healthcare facilities, use harsh liquid disinfectants or high temperature/wet process such as steam autoclaving. These processes are not viable for use with many of the materials used in disposable PPE or sensitive electronic hardware. The MagPlasma autoclave uses a dry plasma disinfection process that can quickly deactivate viruses and other contagions and disinfect surfaces. This funding will support 3rd party validation testing of the autoclave.