MagPlasma awarded a SBIR Phase II project with the Federal Government to protect law enforcement personnel from contagions carried by detainees.
MagPlasma was awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project to expand on the results of a previously awarded SBIR Phase I project to develop a device to protect Federal law enforcement personnel from contagions carried by vehicle passengers. In the SBIR Phase I project, MagPlasma built and tested 1st generation prototype Breathing Zone Air Purifier (BZAP) device. This Phase II award is a two-year, million-dollar project to advance the 1st generation BZAP device into a precommercial product, conduct two field tests with Federal law enforcement personnel, and conduct efficacy testing. The BZAP device is expected to have significant commercial application with Federal and civilian law enforcement, emergency/First Responders, and with healthcare providers.