MagPlasma BZAP completes 3rd party disinfection efficacy testing. Demonstrates 99.9999% effectiveness.

As part of an on-going Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project, MagPlasma tested the disinfection efficacy of its proprietary Breathing Zone Air Purifier (BZAP) device. The BZAP plasma generator was challenged with aerosolized virus (bacteriophage MS2). Post plasma samples were analyzed by a 3rd party testing laboratory for both plaque forming units and gene copies. This testing demonstrated that the BZAP plasma generator deactivates over 99.9999% (6-log reduction) of MS2 in a single pass through the plasma generator. While the BZAP filters will also account for additional virus removal, their contribution was not included in the deactivation efficiency determination. This high level of virus deactivation is significant in that it is orders of magnitude better than HEPA filtration and UV light disinfection.